Thursday, February 24, 2005

baguio blues

there's so much to say about my Baguio sojourn over the weekend, yet somehow, i feel like none of it really matters anymore. it was my first time there, and as cliche as it may sound, i can honestly say i had the time of my life, but for entirely different reasons than what i had intended in the first place.

the decision to go up there was one of those split-second things. i hardly thought about it, but certain events last saturday made me want to pack up and leave to experience something new, get away from the familiar. i never planned on doing anything stupid, but i suppose i WAS stupid enough to think that physically leaving one place would make me forget about all the other things occupying my mind. but hey, if i was entirely being clearheaded i wouldn't have boarded that bus at 1am at all.

the four-hour trip was surprisingly - and mercifully - hassle-free. besides, i had gavin de graw, toad the wet sprocket, elton john and of course, john mayer to keep me company. (thank god i had just enough time to jump off the bus to buy batteries for the discman and then jump back on just as the bus was pulling out of the station). i don't think i slept at all during the whole ride. i probably did though, but i can't remember.

at about a few minutes past 5am, i was in baguio; cold, alone, but exhilarated at the thought of exploring a city that i knew nothing about. (apart from the fact that it was known for its pine trees, strawberries, ukay-ukay all the recent news about meningococcemia outbreaks, that is). i bought a bottle of mineral water, sat on one of the cold plastic chairs inside the bus station and thought things through: i was miles away from everyone who knew me and everything that meant anything in my life. but i was hardly perturbed. on the contrary, all i could think about was how liberating it was to be sitting there where nobody knew you, where you could be anyone to anybody. it was a good feeling...

to be contnued...

Sunday, February 20, 2005

this whole blog business

such a cliche. like anybody would be interested in the ramblings of yet another angst-filled, twentysomething underachiever. yeah right. but you know what they say about idle hands being some guy's playthings...

we'll see how this goes. i'll probably end up talking about the latest movies i've seen or this week's episode of the amazing race or something (no wait, TAR 7 doesn't premiere in another couple of weeks)...